Ragnarok Online Top 100

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Dont Panic RO
20/20/10 rates. Maxbaselvl:99 Maxjoblvl:70(Advanced). Balance and DEDICATED server = 0 lag. 24/7 UPTIME. Friendly GMs and Weekly Events. Main Town at Prontera. Commands = @go, @storage, @AT, @autoloot, @mi, @showexp! WOE twice a week. Come join us no
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Noob Fury RO
A fun server, with over one hundred quest custom items. Lots of custom maps and npcs. Non-corrupt GMs. All new classes. Homunculus. PK Server. Marriage and Adoption. Cool Woe. And no Lag! Rates: Phantom Kitty->2k/2k/1k Psycho Teddy->10/10/10
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KaitosRO -- Brasil
Servidor BR novo, rates 2k/2k/2k -- Max level 300/200. Usa bRO.
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FantasyRO !
High Rates ! 4k / 4k / 90% ! Gm's ativos e responsáveis ! Amigáveis e prestativos ! Homunoculos ! Muitos NPC's para você se divertir ! Woe 3x na semana ! Venha para essa aventura !
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Server Novinho!! Totalmente em Portugues! Rates: 10K/10K/100% Max Level: 500/150 Max Stats: 400 Max ASPD: 199 ATENÇÃO: TEMOS VAGA PARA GM!!
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56 Chaos-RO
× Every Jobs has Homunculus × / 10k / 3k / 20% × 99 / 70 × Customized NPC × Stable & Lagless » Growing Community × Custom Quests × Wings × Monsters × Items × No wipe × Friendly GMs × Ball Trade System × Events × Come join us now! ×
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57 Celestial Dreams Ragnarok Online
Rates: 25k/25k/10k, Level Max 999/250. Custom Sets Rox, Sala Vip, Akatsuki, Catch the Flag(em breve). GM's legais, eventos diários e muito +! Venha para nossa comunidade =P.
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59 Bucle RO
Rates: 250x/250x/100, Custom Hats y Alas, Poring Ball, WoEs, Full Actualizado , Sistema de Renta de Casas en Español ! No lag! Que esperas sumate a esta aventura !
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60 Ro-Fl
GER/ENG Server, Rates 100/100/30 PK, Change form every to every job! NPCs talk GER/ENG, Homunc + Extendet CLS! 80+ Customitems, CustomQuests + more customization. JOIN TODAY!! (german infos inside!!)
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61 Gravity RO
Gravity RO -- 25/25/25 Rates, Tons of Customs, WoE Twice a week. Max lvl Non-Trans 255/255 Max lvl Trans none. Fully up-to date, with almost daily upgrades and additions, Come check us out ^^
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62 KEnd ROse Online! high Rates!
Max LVL 400 | MAx Stats 9999| EXP RATES 4k4k4k| Freindly Gm's Active! to help !!! Come join This Server! no lags! join now!
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63 StaRO
Be ready to join a new Ragnarok Online experience. StaRO. We offer you a new server with great GMs and a nice Community. International Server - Rates: 10/10/10 - Max Lvl: 99/70 - All New Classes - Thors Dungeon
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64 Wave-RO
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65 Draconis RO
Neuer Deutscher Lowrate Server [10/10/5/3] vorraussichtlicher Start 30.September 07 schaut einfach mal vorbei, wir freuen uns über jeden User
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66 AntrixRO
Welcome to AntrixRO || 4k/4k/40% || 300/150 || A lot of custom systems || 0 lag || Multi-language system || 3-1 and 3-2 job || + 450 custom || Custom cities || Join NOW!!!
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67 HabaneRo²
[Midrate:200/200/100, max.lvl 255/71][Playerkill:1k/1k/1k, 999/71][All Classes][BotHunter] 24/7 Online, German Server(English support, too), WoE on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 08:00PM-09:00PM GMT+1, an own ROadio, +70 Online, !commands, activ GMs
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68 phRO
A Ragnarok Online Private Server based in the Philippines High Rates 5k/5k/20% Max Base Level 99 Max Job Level 70! Daily Events! We welcome International players and Pinoy players! Register is _M/_F, No Lag! 24/7 UP! Many Custom Items and Quests, Gre
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69 auRO-World
New German/English Server! October 2007 Rates: 20/20/10 Many NPCs,All Jobs included!!! Homunculus and Pets
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70 OblivionRO - 150x/150x/20x [Opened Oct 1st, 2007]
• MaxLvl 150 • Max Stats 150 • All Orginal Quests and Item's • 40 Custom Equips/31 Custom Quests • Custom NPC's • WoE • Killing Spree System • Join now!
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71 Kahosro
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72 Legions Prosperity RO
New PK Server! Friendly Gms,Mid Rates 75/75/10, reg cards 0.35% mvp cards 1.35%[time 24/7] max lvl 115/70,reborn at 99, dungen warper,mall warper,@go commands,Priest buffs and clown buffs last 10 min! Homunculus and much more!
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73 ChoBopRO
Rates: 1000x/1000x/100x. Max Level 400/150. New community! Friendly GMs! Gunslinger & Ninja | Custom Items and Events.
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74 4ngel-Ro
Angel-Ro a brand new server!Medium rates 10k/12k/100%-Max lv 600-175-Max stat 500-All classes-WoE-PvP-24/7-Lagless-Buffed baby class-Alot of custom wings and helms and more! Come Join us now !
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75 GloryRo
50/50/10, cards, Wings, NPCS, WOE, Ect..
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76 SkyRO
• Official • 5k/5k/5k • MaxLvl 255/120 • MaxStats 255 • All Classes • Homunculus • WoE • PVP • Events • Custom NPCs • lot's of Custom Items • Custom Quests • Friendly Community • 24/7up •
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77 thanatos-ro
Nuevo server mid rates: 1000/1000/50% entra ya!! gms amigables muy buenos!. muchos eventos y tienes unos custom aura muy buenos!! y raroos!!
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International HighRate Server[2000/2000 255/99]! LAGGFREE! BIG COMMUNITY AND NICE GMS! JOIN US NOW!
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79 New Naruto Full RO
New Naruto Full RO Server Naruto a new world of ragnarok and anime together Rates: 70/70/20 Max: 200/70 Come and show his style ninja
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80 NarutoRO ( PT-BR )
Naruto Ragnarok Online BR, Rate: 2k/2k/50%, Max Level/Job 255/99, Max Stats 255, Custom Itens, Custom Mobs, Custom NPCs, Quests e Muito Mais Venha Se Divertir
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81 Athila-Ro
Servidor rates 150/100/50 homnculus avilitados , guns , ninjas,etc server Hispano / Chileno .
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82 Athila Ro
Server Rates 150 / 100 / 50 Homunculus Habilitados , Guns , Ninjas , etc Server 100% Chileno / En Español
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83 ChaosRo
Rate's : 3k/3/100% Im Moment spawnt ca. alle 8 Sekunden 'n selbst generiertes Mob, was euch einen guten Levelschub gibt! maxlvl 255/99 maxstats 199
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84 Dynamic-RO
Enjoy Ragnarok as it was intended to be =) | 25/25/50 | No Donation Items | No warper | No job changer | Small Friendly Community | Come test your skills out!
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85 Pikaro
neuer ro server wird aufgebaut
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86 Immortality Ro
200k/200k/10k High Rate(german) Ragnarok Server Max Level 300 Max Stats 300 ASPD 198 << Nice GMs >> 24/7 up New 2. Server Mid Rate MAX Level 200 MAX Stats 200 2k/2k/1k Many Custom NPCs and Nice GMS Join Now!
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87 NarutoRO (german)
NarutoRO wird ein deutscher RO Server, der noch unter Bearbeitung ist. Rates: 10/10/10; sei von Anfang an dabei!
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88 NeuRO Online
Mid Rate 500/500/43, come check us out today!
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89 (¯`·._.· BloodCraft-RO ·._.·´¯)
This is a very cool new server that is online 24/7. We have GMs , events, homunculus, customs, Adoption, Marriage, Snowy Prontera*Winter Season*, and much more... What are you waiting for this is the right server!
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90 LibertyRO
New server GM Needed!500x500x20% 99/70 Friendly comunity
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91 Dreamland RO
| High Rates Server | 255/120 Level | 5000/5000/40x | Balanced PVP Server | 98.9% Uptime & No Lag | Dual WoE System & Poring Ball | Friendly & Growing Community | Customized Server | Join us now! |
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92 gsRO
gsRO is seeking players for the beta, Perks included!
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93 German-RO
Enter : www.german-ro.de.tl German-RO : Exp/Drop/Card/Produce/Petrate : 1000x/1000x/100x/100%/100% Wir suchen noch GMs oder besser gesagt ich suche noch GMs und viele Members!!! Mit Customs Wings und NPC\'s, aktiver Admin und nicht sehr aggressiver A
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94 GraniteRO
Welcome to GraniteRO!| Mid/Hi-Rate server| Brand new server!| Custom NPC's| Custom Items| WoE| Australian Host| 98% Uptime| 0% Lag Gurantee|
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95 BloodCraftRO
We are a brand new RO server, we have great GMs, Cool New Customs, and even Homunculus level 1000, the max level is 1000/700 and 0 lagg, We are a Very nice Community! Join Us Today!
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96 MagnaaRO
ragnarok online free private server max lvl 500 friendly Admin Need GMS!
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97 PvP
Level 255/120 Max Stats 300 Starting Zenny 1Billion, God Items at Godlike item NPC.
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98 LibertyRO
New Server 500/500/20 maxlevel 255/70 maxstat 255 GM NEEDED
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99 DesitineRO
New high rate server! maxlvl 99/50
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100 AmbuRO
Servidor Low Rate 50x/50x/30x (base/classe/drop), Nível máximo: 99/50, Atributos máximos:99, NPCs: Mestra das classes, Mestra das habilidades, Garota negociante, Resetadora, Banco, etc. Server 24/7 on
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