Ragnarok Online Top 100

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Dungeon Siege MU - S3 EP 1 -Refferal System
* 5000x Experience * 90x Drops * 90x Mixes * Reset level 380 * Reset Bonus Points 1600 * BOKS IN SHOP 1,2,3,4,5 * WINGS IN SHOP
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SteamRO - En donde la locura es parte de la Razon
|| 1000x/1000x/200 || Lvl Max 99/70 || Activo 24/7 || Servidor 100% Dedicado || 0 lag || 3 Woes por Semana || NO CUSTOM || Eventos Continuos || Endless Tower|| Satan Morroc|| Poring Coins System II Te estamos esperando solo Faltas TU ;D
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Private Ro
Highrate Ro Server 2000/2000/500 Rates . Max LvL 99/70 . No Custom items . Server in Europe
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Neko tsuki-RO
best server ever
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Zone-Ro Nueva comunidad Ragnarok Online | Rate 700/700/5% boss y mini boss 0,1% | GM`S 100% Dedicados | Server Dedicado 24/7 | Que esperas entra ya!!
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306 ddddddds
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307 Sakura RO
Description: Wir haben den server neu geöfnet.Die GMs sind freundlich.4K/4K/ca.40% Drobs Bas LVL 900 JOB LVL 170. no lags
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308 Soul Sonic Ro
[Server Chileno][Rates 1000/1000/100/1][99/70][Mercado Simple][Npc Quest][Eventos Todos los Días][Woe 3 veces por semana][GM On][Comunidad Amigable][Host 24/7][@Warp-@go][¿Que Esperas?]
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309 Savior Ro
Savior Ro is a normal high rate server you'd enjoy. Offically open since 1 April. 24/7 Uptime. Rarely down. Upto no Lag. Friendly and supportive GMs. Lots of custom cards, weapons headgears, footgear, maps and @go's. Quest based (most items obtainabl
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310 GameKidz Ran Private Server
best ran online private server ever, 24/7 uptime server. standard server but its not to hard to leveling.
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311 Kawaii-RO
Kawaii-RO abre sus puertas nuevamente con mas ganas, nuevos GMs, nuevo emulador y cliente, mas actualizado y con un nuevo servidor. Mas Informacion en nuestra pagina web.
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312 Dragonis RO
Dragonisro reopening on June 1, 2009. Please check back later
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313 Freyja Ragnarok Online
Servidor MidRate 80x80x60x|Card: 0.60%~Mvp: 0.10%|Dedicado 24/7|Healer~JobMaster~Reset~Warper Niveles~Warper WoE~Mercado|Satan~Endless~Moscovia|3WOE por semana|GM's Abiertos y Dedicados
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314 MvP Ragnarok Online Servers
The Best Russian Ragnarok Online servers.1.[Angeling] 10/10/20, lvl 99, stats 99, ASPD 190. 2.[Deviling] 1000000/1000000/50, lvl 999, stats 800, ASPD 199. Bot Secure, WoE, balance.
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315 RainbowRO
Two servers, MidRate (50/50/25) & HighRate (3k/3k/1k), both with lots of customs, custom dungeon, custom quests. Implementing 3rd classes!
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316 Infinity Ragnarok Online
InfinityRO ll Rates 5000x5000x1000x ll Maxlvl 350/120 ll 0 Lag ll Mas de 200 Custom A la Venta por NPCs ll Satan Morroc Dungeon ll
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Welcome to ERO SERVER!.
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318 Arroyo Ro
10x/10x/6x Eventos y Woes los fines de semana
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319 ::Jump Ro::
Rates: 15k/15k/40% LvL 500/200 Status: 250 Staff Competente e Dedicada,Sem Vip Apelões
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320 Tales of Ragnarok
3-1 Coming soon, Updated stable server, 150x/150x/5% new server, Friendly staff and recruiting more, New maps,And much much more!!
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321 Great-World Ragnarok
JobExp: 5000x|BaseExp: 5000x|Drop: 1000x|Card drop: 5%|MvP Card Drop: 2.5%|Max Stats:750|Blvl max = 1000|Jlvl max = 90|WoE every Day
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322 Ragnarok Online Guides
Free in-depth guides, FAQs, and walkthroughs for Ragnarok Online and other games!
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323 Ethernal-RO
rates 20x|sistema anticorrupcion| customs por quests| alas customs| hats customs con efectos originales|woe 1 y 2| 3 woes por semana|y mas mas mas!!!!
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324 Xeph Ragnarok Online
Don't dare to miss a well managed RO. Only the administrator has @item command to ensure security to items. Newly opened server (May 27, 2009). 24/7 NO LAG, Balanced Custom Items, Modified LHZ Cards, Updated Sakray, Growing community, and
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325 DarkLightRO
OPENING JULY 1st! RATES: 1k/1k/100%/5%/2%. Custom quests, headgears, items! Looking for GM Staff!
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326 Low Nek-Ro
Servidor Hispano Rates 11/11/10||Mapas nuevos||Mobs Nuevos||Custom no desbalanceadores||Custom Quest||2 Woe a la semana||¿Te lo vas a perder?
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327 MythRO 100k/100k/70%
New Ragnarök server sprites class 3-1! More than 350 custons itens; 700 max stats; 100k base; 100k job; 70% drop card; 99% drop; Welcome to MythRO!! [Currently ON]
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328 Smash RO
Mid Rate 150/150/50 ~ No Lag Dedicated Server 24/7 ~ Fully Updated ~ Friendly GMS ~ Balanced Custom Items ~ Join Now!!
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329 Exodo's Ro
Servidor Hispano|Dedicado 24/7| Rates:1000/1000/100| Donaciones Regulares| GM's Amigables|max lvl 99/70|0 lag|no Custom|
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330 FaithRo
3rd Classes implemented EVEN Sorcerer (with skills). 250+ custom wings/headgear. 60+ custom quests. Max level 255/150. Max stats 200. rates: 10k/10k/5k/5%. 99.9% up time with no lag! Two custom classes, Death Knight and Shaman
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331 LeafRagnarokOnline
[Friendly gm][Custom Items][Daily Events][Woe][Rate 4k 4k Drop:100k][Anti Bot][Base level 140 Max Level 255][Naruto Items][Pvp][Valyrie Set Quest][Join and Feel the LeafRO way]
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332 BoostRO
BoostRO! 4 servers - low, mid, high, super high PvP
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333 StrikerRO
Super high rates 300k300k100%,+300 user sin lag,refine+10,custom zenys quest evento y evento especiales,quest card bio3,Mvp room,gold room,job balanceados,+ proyecto para divercion del user,GM profecionales y no corruptos,Eventos de todo tipo,No dona
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334 Angelus Corp
Server chileno, 24/7, rates 80/80/10, max lv 99/70, no custom, npc que te haran sentir mas comodo, poring coin island, 90% traducido al español, GM no corruptos y amigables, server en crecimiento, te invitamos a unirte para formar una gran comunidad
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335 HerbRO
HerbRO lädt Sie in eine fantastische Welt ein. Mit einer kleinen Community und Großartigen Spielern. Schaut doch einfach mal rein. No Donates or Coins
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336 New-Aero-Ro
- Mexicano||Rates: 5k•5k•200x||Cartas:10% MVP: 10%|| ||MaxLvl:380/120||WOE 2.0||item custom||quezts || ||Comando @storage,@go,@warp,@autoloot,@duel || ||0%Corrupcion||Eventos Todos Los Dias|| ||Satan Morroc||Moscovia|| ||Servidor Dedicado||Onlin
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337 MantaRo
Neuer Deutscher ragnarok server. rates: 450/450 max lvl 255 max stats 200 maintown: alberta weitere Infomationen auf der homepage
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338 nyxRO
Rates:80k/80k/50%(Mvp40%) | MaxLv700/120 | MaxStat600 | Sistema de Evoluciones | SuperMvP | ItemsCustom | ReSpawn de Mobs Modificado
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339 GuardianRO
New And Fresh RO Friendly GM's Rates: 200x/200x/100x - MVP Drop Card 75x 50+ Customs Including most of them being quest items Im a firm believer in non donates to be good Max Base: 200 Max Job: 120 Attack Speed: 197 Max Stat: 150
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340 Breadou RO
x1000/x1000/x100 A brand new server hosted in malaysia and having a small community.. welcome to join us now! D: check out in our web!
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341 Enmity RO
New Server - 255/120 - Fixed Stats 100 - 5k/5k - Custom Drop Rates - Balanced Custom Items - Dedicated Server - Fair and non-corrupt administrators
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342 http://kamasuRO.net
max level 999 job 999 stats 999 all 300k.300k.300k
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343 http://ragnamoxRO.net
max level 999 job 999 stats 999 300k.300k. drop rate 100.%
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344 http://mankasuRO
max level 999 job 200 stats all 1000
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345 XephRO - The Gloious side of Ragnarok!
Details:10000/10000/20% | Max Level 255/120 | Max Stats :255. Fully Customized and Up-to-date. Friendly Staff | Anti-Boting System | Lag Free and 24/7 | Daily WOE with PRICES | Non-overpowered Items/Donations | Balanced Server. (June 27, 2009
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346 Axius RO MidRate
Ragnarok MidRate Server. Rates: 280/280/50 Max LVL : 255/120 Job Changer,Resetter,Healer and friendly GM´s! Join us Today!
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347 Revengel Ragnarok Online
- || 1000x/1000x/200 || Lvl Max 99/70 || Activo 24/7 || Servidor 100% Dedicado || 0 lag || 3 Woes por Semana || NO CUSTOM || Eventos Continuos || Actualizado Episodio 13.1 || Ash vacum || Splendide - Manuk || BattleGround ||
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348 Cy-RO
Free to play RO Private Server With 3rd job. Come and Join us! We have here RPC world, you can try all Jobs here at RPC World w/o leveling up, You can practice the use of all Jobs. For more info PM me at Yahoo Messenger id: jeplogro
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349 epicRO 100k/100k/100%
Rates: 100k / 100k / 100% Level Maximo: 999/250 Status Máximo: 999 ASPD Maximo: 197 Mais de 300 custons GoldRoom , Devil Square , +100 Refiner , Stats Seller e muito mais!
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350 Usagi RO El Mejor Servidor Hispano Super High Rates
Usagi RO!! Uno De Los Mejores Servidores Hispano Super High Rates Mas De 200 Custom Items En Quest!! Y Tambien Custom Item WoE! SU Gran Reconpensa , Eso No Es Todo Si No Tambien Sistema De Votos Que Con Esos Puntos Puedes Canjearlos Por Maravillosos
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